NO.6699 Qingdao Rd., Jinan, Shandong, P.R.China

Introduction to Bachelor of Translation and Interpreting

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The Bachelor of Translation and Interpreting (BTI) at Shandong First Medical University was established in 2014 and started enrolling students in the same year. BTI degree provides students with a comprehensive education in both translation theory and practice. Students in this major possess solid bilingual skills in English and Chinese, have rich encyclopedic knowledge, and are familiar with the overview and essence of Chinese and Western societies, histories, and cultures. They receive training in English listening, speaking, reading, writing, systematically study and master translation theories, and develop proficient English-Chinese translation and interpreting skills through extensive translation practice. Students also have the ability to use a second foreign language for practical applications and research. They are qualified to meet the needs of national and local economic and social development, and have the potential for rapid growth in their future study and work.

The School of Foreign Languages has equipped the translation majors with advanced teaching facilities, such as a simultaneous interpreting laboratory, a computer-aided translation laboratory, and a digital language laboratory, which fully meet the needs of teaching and the cultivation of practical translation skills.

Graduates are granted a Bachelor of Arts and are qualified to engage in translation, teaching, scientific research, management, and other related work in institutions such as economy and trade, tourism, foreign affairs, culture, education, medicine, etc. In addition, graduates can apply for graduate studies in related majors at domestic or overseas universities for further education.